Illuminating ideas and stories with compelling characters through narrative film.






Above and Beyond: The Fly Girls of WWII

ABOVE AND BEYOND, THE FLY GIRLS OF WWII, is a breathtaking new dramatic series about the Women’s Airforce Service Pilots (WASP) – the first women to fly for the US military. An untold story of WWII, told through the eyes of women, this series follows a group of fictionalized, patriotic, courageous women who risk their lives to serve their country and shatter the gender barrier.

>Watch Sizzle Reel


At the Bedside

In a last ditch bid for mayor, a Chicago billionaire announces he is endowing the largest public hospital in the city with a gift for Palliative Care. The only problem is the hospital doesn't have Palliative Care. Overnight, they assemble the most diverse team they can find and as a black female doctor, trans nurse practitioner, Islamic social worker and Buddhist chaplain are trotted out for a major press event, they glimpse the enormity of the task ahead. This series follows their rocky, dramatic, and uplifting journey.

Billy Mitchell: Prophet of Air Power

BILLY MITCHELL: PROPHET OF AIR POWER, tells the largely forgotten story of General William Mitchell who, as Commander of Allied Expeditionary Forces in France in WWI, witnessed firsthand the strategic importance of air power. An impassioned advocate for building a US air force, his prescient claim in 1923 that one day the Japanese would bomb Pearl Harbor, seemed preposterous to an Army and Navy steeped in the past. His unrelenting criticism of the military led to a sensational court martial that riveted the nation.


World of Tomorrow

WORLD OF TOMORROW is the story of Jamal, a twelve year old African American boy in Queens, NY, who witnesses his older brother’s accidental shooting in the shadow of the Unisphere – the symbol of unity from the 1964 World’s Fair. In his grief, Jamal forges an unlikely friendship with an old black groundskeeper, Danny, an amateur historian and serious archivist of the fair. Jamal’s explorations of the fairgrounds with a group of neighborhood kids, leads them into a mysterious and perilous underworld.

Documentary FILMS




On the Warpath

ON THE WARPATH focuses on the role women and African Americans played in America’s massive war effort of WWII, forever changing the face of the nation. Featuring President Franklin Roosevelt and First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, the series details the political, industrial and social realignment of America as the country pulled together in a spectacular effort to create the arsenal of democracy.


Stem Girls

STEM GIRLS is a documentary series profiling women in STEM – past and present - and their commitment to shaping a more humane future.


Seeing the Light

SEEING THE LIGHT profiles the individuals revolutionizing the way we look at end of life. Doctors, nurses, comedians, artists, authors, and undertakers, explore the cultural and medical taboos around death and suggest new ways of engaging our old nemesis – with understanding, humor and creativity.

> Watch Sizzle Reel


Fly Girls

An Emmy award winning film for The American Experience, FLY GIRLS features the real life heroes of the Women’s Airforce Service Pilots of WWII and the men who flew with them - Paul Tibbetts and Chuck Yeager.

> Watch Fly Girls



The World Round

THE WORLD ROUND is an international, live symphonic event comprised of music and original animations from around the world that unites us in our common humanity.